SB 1337 – Senate Floor Vote #2

Referendum Funding Transparency

This bill is a follow-up from last year’s AB 421 (Bryan) and would bring more transparency to the funding of referendums, as monied interests and corporate polluters constantly seek to overturn hard fought victories. SB 1337 would have required that the top three funders of a referendum petition appear directly on the signature petition, rather than on a separate piece of paper. Finally, SB 1337 would have required that all petitions be updated to reflect changes in top funder information within five business days, only if there is a new top funder.

Author: Lena Gonzalez

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Bill info from the legislature

Issues: Corporate Accountability


Not signed into Law


Vetoed by the Governor


Yes 55
No 17
Abstain 7


Yes 28
No 11
Abstain 1

