SB 674

Refinery Air Pollution Transparency and Reduction Act

Research has shown many documented health risks for "fence-line" fossil fuel refinery communities, including increased risk of asthma, cancers, birth defects, as well as neurological and cardiovascular damage, among other conditions. These risks are amplified the closer a person lives to a refinery. SB 674 would have improved and created a statewide standard for the existing refinery fenceline monitoring program to ensure that noxious pollutants are measured, and that best practices and technologies are deployed in order to better protect the health and well-being of surrounding communities.

Author: Lena Gonzalez

Bill info from the legislature

Issues: Corporate Accountability


Not signed into Law


Vetoed by the Governor


Yes 47
No 15
Abstain 17


Yes 28
No 8
Abstain 4

