SB 1497

Polluters Pay Climate Cost Recovery Act

For decades corporate polluters have forced the cost of fossil fuels onto the public, while they rake in profits. The Polluters Pay Climate Cost Recovery Act, SB 1497, would have required the largest fossil fuel polluters to pay their fair share of the damage their products have inflicted upon our communities, environment, and economy in California. The bill would have required CalEPA to conduct a study to assess and quantify California’s climate costs. Based on this study, fossil fuel companies would be required to pay fees proportional to their historical emissions. Funds collected from this Polluters Pay program will then be used to pay for climate projects across the state, prioritizing communities who are disproportionately harmed by the climate emergency.

Author: Caroline Menjivar

Bill info from the legislature

Issues: Corporate Accountability


Not signed into Law

Top Priority Bill Top Priority Bill


Passed Senate Policy Committees, but failed to receive a Floor Vote




