AB 1963 – Assembly Floor Vote #2
Paraquat Dichloride Prohibition
This bill requires the Department of Pesticide Regulation to complete- by 2029- an evaluation of paraquat dichloride and make the determination to either ban or place new restrictions on the use of the pesticide. Paraquat is primarily used to clear fields before farmers plant corn, soybeans, cotton, almonds, peanuts, wine grapes and other crops. Chronic exposure to paraquat increases the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. California must not wait for the foot-dragging federal government to act and join the over 60 countries that have banned paraquat in order to protect its citizens and the environment.
Bill info from the legislature
Issues: Corporate Accountability
Signed into Law
Signed into Law
Yes 51
No 16
Abstain 12
Yes 29
No 8
Abstain 3